Dream system game components

Dream system game components

Dream System Sci-fi game

Inspired by the prompt in the last chapter of A People’s Guide to AI zine that asks readers to design libraries, neighborhoods, and  forms of technology in the year 2084, I had the desire to create an opera that could bring this chapter to life through a performance called Automata. Very quickly, I realized that I was not able to construct this future using only my own vision. So I constructed a game called “Dream System” — a two-part game in which participants create AI systems. The imaginary AI systems and stories, which offer a glimpse into the future technologies that people want to see — and in turn have inspired new possibilities for my work.  Automata’s future world will be built with the stories and characters generated by the people who play the game.

To participate in this world building you download the game components then use the form below to share they system and stories you create.

Download the Dream System Game Packet


Share the Systems and Stories You Created


Dream System Game in Action