Dj Mother Cyborg at Charivari Festival Detroit (2017)

Dj Mother Cyborg at Charivari Festival Detroit (2017)

Hey DJ!

Since the age of 12 I began to dj. I first started with a broken karaoke machine and an 80’s turntable that also had an 8track and tape player. My first mix was an obscure sonic youth song with and obscure Japanese techno record I bought because there were robots on the cover. I made a sweet mix tape then quickly gave it to my crush. I felt so powerful and cool in doing that, I think it marked me for life.

Fast forward 4 years and I find myself at my first rave in Bloomington Indiana as a baby 16 year old. I found freedom on the dance floor that night and I have never looked back. I found out at a very young age the power of the dance-floor, but never saw a reflection of myself in any DJ I encountered. It wouldn’t be for another 11 years before I teach myself how to DJ then another 5 before I play my first gig.

After a back injury and some health issues I’ve had to give up my DJ performance life, Only only for very special occasions will I come out to play, but that does not mean I don’t continue to make mixes. This page is dedicated to all the secret mixes I’ve kept to myself until now. Enjoy!